Don’t you wish this post was a video?
Forrester Research found that online videos were 50 times more likely to receive an organic first-page Google ranking than pages with text content. The power and worth of this medium are growing every day.
In today’s fast-paced visual world, speed is a must when gathering information.
Videos can quickly and effectively deliver quality information that is easy for users to digest. Short attention spans are the fuel of the internet and what would the Facebook generation choose – a short video or a block of text?
Videos allow you to engage customers by addressing them directly. They make your site more personable and help visitors get to know your business’ personality and culture. Videos give you the opportunity to make a lasting positive impression that will enhance your business reputation on and off-line.
Videos were made for sharing – in fact there are several social sites dedicated exclusively to video sharing. A video is more likely to get noticed and linked to than a piece of text. Posting your video on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social sites will widen your reach and boost your Google page rank.
Additionally, if you sell complex software or products, or simply want to show customers a demo of what you can do for them, videos are fantastic medium to do so with.
I-Cubed and many other software companies use demos of important features to quickly show customers how to take full advantage of their service.
Often times, a video is worth much more than a picture or text, especially on a web page.
Let Everest Agency help you create the ultimate, traffic-driving video for your company website. Check out our previous video production projects and see what our clients have to say about our work.