Services • Branding & Design

Identity & Brand Design

Make your business unforgettable.

Stale, weak brands fail to stand apart from the competition. Your business and services are unique, however if you and your competitors’ brands are indistinguishable, customers will not be able to tell.

Everest Agency will work with you to create a strong brand that instantly communicates who you are and what you stand for to customers. Together, we will discover your business’ unique mission and message, and how to best mold those elements to the tastes of your ideal target market.
Instead of blending in with the rest of the competition, your clear and unique branding will put you ahead of the pack and foremost in your customer’s minds.

  1. Distinct: We will find the perfect blend of familiar elements that make your business clear, and unique touches that set your apart from the competition.
  2. Effective: Branding needs to quickly communicate the values, tone, and nature of your business. We will carefully select elements that tell customers exactly who you are and why they need you.
  3. Flexible: We will design your brand keeping in mind that it will need to be expressed across a wide range of mediums – brochures, packaging, annual reports, websites, apparel, banners, etc.

No one needs to see a logo on a red can to know it’s Coca-Cola; just as it is unnecessary to see the name “Tony the Tiger” to know what cereal that character represents. These particular brands are so strong that often just seeing the color red or a cartoon tiger can bring up thoughts of those products. That is the power of a distinct and familiar brand.

“Everest Agency listens closely to its customers and does its homework when it comes to researching the audience. The results are beautiful, current designs that use color schemes which convey the company image accurately towards the target consumer.”
-Tarcus Allen, Avlon Industries

Contact us today to build your visual brand.


  1. What is branding?
    Your brand, is the perception that your clients and customers have of you. This will happen on its own, or you can craft and manage your brand to control how your clients and customers perceive you and your business. The execution of a brand takes place throughout all the various communication points that a client or customer may engage with your company such as: logos, banners, advertisements, websites, etc.
  2. What is the best time for a business to develop its branding?
    The best time to develop strong branding is when you don’t have it. Whether you are about to open or spin off a new business, or you are a well established company that has brand recognition or consistency issues, investing in branding will benefit a company at any life-stage.
  3. My business already has branding, but I don’t like it. Can you design new branding for my business?
    Absolutely. The most well known and highly recognizable brands know the importance of brand evolution (See the Coca Cola branding timeline). Branding should always be a consistent yet evolving element of your business. Everest Agency can help you keep your brand relevant without losing the fundamental essence of it
  4. How exactly does branding communicate my business to customers?
    Branding can communicate the mission of your company, it can communicate to the type of client you want to target and it can even communicate the feeling you want the consumer to have when utilizing your product/services.The secret is in the discovery process where Everest Agency will collaborate with your team to understand the industry caveats, target audience and behavior, competitor branding and corporate mission and goals.

    After, we will develop your distinct brand guidelines that include color choices, fonts, graphic styles, and logos.

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